Russia Education Aid for Development (READ)

Russia Education Aid for Development program (READ) was agreed in 2008 in framework of cooperation between the Government of the Russian Federation and the World Bank to support developing countries.

Center for International Cooperation in Education Development was created to develop the institutional capacity of Russia in development aid. CICED acts within the READ program aiming at improving the quality of education in the partner countries, as well as strengthening the role of Russia as an a new donor in education.

International assessments highlight large achievement gaps between students in rich and poor countries. Within countries too, inequality exists between regions, communities, schools, and classrooms. These disparities have important implications not just in education but for the wider distribution of opportunities in society.

Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2009

The program READ in 2008-2015 included eight developing countries: Angola, Armenia, Vietnam, Zambia, Kyrgyzstan, Mozambique, Tajikistan and Ethiopia.  READ program provides participating countries with necessary technical assistance, knowledge and analytical  and consulting services.

The main objectives of the program is to promote international development in education and to provide support to member countries in building of the capacity of institutions responsible for the measurement of educational achievements and  use of  data to improve teaching and learning.

READ supports  initiatives:

creation of new or strengthen the existing institutions of member countries, determining educational goals and implementing the evaluation of students’ educational achievements

participation of regional research teams in grant programs for funding their own developments and researches in the region in the field of education quality assessment

strengthen of existing and development of new mechanisms for the use of data of learning outcomes to improve the efficiency teaching

improvement of existing and develop new tools for measuring the level of educational achievements of students

activities related to the assessment of educational achievement, including a comparative analysis of the level of educational achievements of students between countries, conducting public examinations

In order to participate in READ program in 2016-2019 countries required  to prepare a grant application on behalf of the national ministry of education detailing information about the project they want to implement. To receive the advice on the structure of the grant application countries should contact the Trust Fund representatives at the World Bank HQ: Marguerite Clarke ( or Julia Liberman (

Thematic areas for READ program in 2016-2019:

Strengthen approaches to using assessment data to inform teaching and learning

Strengthen or reform high-stakes examination programs

 Strengthen programs that provide training to teachers in use of classroom assessment

Individual researchers interested in working in the projects under the READ program can obtain detailed information about the forms of participation in the Center for International Cooperation in Education Development (CICED) Daria Ovcharova
