Presentation of the SAM (Student Achievement Monitoring) tool among international experts

In 2023, experts from the Centre continued their membership within the international working group of major education donors known as Building Evidence in Education (BE2). BE2 is an international working group comprising representatives from donor agencies, organizations, and NGOs.

In 2023, the group conducted a series of webinars showcasing the best (according to the group’s assessment) developments in tools for assessing quality, as well as research findings. CICED presented its tool – Student Achievement Monitoring – for expert assessment within the group. The tool made it to the shortlist of selected instruments representing the highest interest and was presented to the international top-tier expert society in one of the webinars.

The primary goal of BE2 is to foster collaboration among bilateral and multilateral organizations working to enhance the quality of education research, utilize data for shaping educational policies and reforms, and strengthen cooperation among education donors.

BE2 Mission in 2023 is to increase the utilization of research data in educational policy and the implementation of educational reforms. The precise use of data collected through educational research is critically important for ensuring high-quality educational reforms, implemented within reasonable timeframes and with effective financing. Despite the growing volume of research each year, creating platforms for communication and knowledge exchange remains crucial for researchers and users of research results.

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